2013년 6월 1일 토요일


 동의할만한, 상냥한, 쾌적한
1. to one's liking; pleasing: agreeable manners; an agreeable sensation.

2. willing or ready to agree or consent: Are you agreeable to my plans for Saturday? 

3. suitable; conformable (usually followed by to  ): practice agreeable to theory.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
agreeable ladies are talking each other
animals can be agreeable friends!
-the photos searched via google.com
-the photo's copyright is reverted to its own creator.
 1. People who own sporting dogs, like cocker spaniels, are agreeable and honest; and owners of toy dogs, like Chihuahuas or Yorkshire terriers, were more agreeable, more sincere and more open to new experiences. -kidtimes
 2. And it is completely agreeable that the squad could not reach the World Cup if a change wasn't made. -teentimes
 3. The speaker with whom I competed was an agreeable fellow. -nexus
summarized by phoketwords.blogspot.com

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