2013년 6월 15일 토요일


 chagrin(noun, verb) ʃəgrín
 원통함, 분함(하게하다)
a feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation.
verb (used with object)
to vex by disappointment or humiliation: The rejection of his proposal chagrined him deeply.
english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
To her chagrin, the little girl lost her cherished teddy bear!

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 1. Uri Rep. Hong Mi-young and Rep. Lee In-ki of opposition Grand National Party have submitted a draft revision to the Criminal Procedure Code, respectively, which, to the chagrin of prosecutors, calls for empowering police with an independent investigative authority. - The Korea Herald
 2. Much to the police's chagrin, the chief suspect for the killing seems to have fled the country. - Nexus
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 간부, 핵심인물
Military the key group of officers and enlisted personnel necessary to establish and train a newmilitary unit.
a group of trained or otherwise qualified personnel capable of forming, training, or leading anexpanded organizationas a religious or political faction, or a skilled work forceThey hoped to form acadre of veteran party members.
(especially in Communist countries) a cell(조직) of trained and devoted workers.
a member of a cadre; a person qualified to serve in a cadre.
english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
the candres of the Korean provisional government in Shanghai

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 1. With their cadres spread in numerous countries, they operate globally. - World Times
 2. Lawmakers must grill the nominees on their personal qualifications and politicized activities in confirmation hearings(인사청문회) later this month. It is imperative the GNP leaders remain at least neutral by not obstructing the opposition and their own young cadres. - Korea Times
 3. As the world financial crisis rages on, a cadre of diplomats and economists are encouraging a throwback solution. -NE times
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 탄약, 무기, 무기고 / 명분
1. the material fired, scattered, dropped, or detonated from any weapon, as bombs or rockets, and especially shot, shrapnel, bullets, or shells fired by guns.
2. the means of igniting or exploding such material, as primers, fuzes, and gunpowder.
3. any material, means, weapons, etc., used in any conflict: a crude ammunition of stones. 
4. information, advice, or supplies to help defend or attack a viewpoint, argument, or claim: Give me some ammunition for the debate.  
english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
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 1. This is a shame, because Apple's abuse of our out-of-control patent system has given Apple its chief ammunition(명분) in its global campaign to destroy Google's Android operating system, which Samsung adopted for its smart phones," Prof. Dan Gillmor of Arizona State University wrote in an article he contributed to the British daily The Guardian on August 25. - teentimes
 2. This past July, a noncommissioned Army officer was found dead inside an amphibian armored vehicle after it fell into a reservoir during training. A month ago, the barrel of a battle tank gun exploded during a live-ammunition exercise in Paju, north of Seoul, breaking the gun's nose apart. Yet the military has kept the incident secret under the pretext of no loss of life. - Korea Times
 3. Troops stationed in frontline units along the Demilitarized Zone are armed with live ammunition and grenades.
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2013년 6월 2일 일요일


 앙심을 품은, 복수심의
1. disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful: a vindictive person.
2. proceeding from or showing a revengeful spirit: vindictive rumors.
english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
vindictive, vengeful! 
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 1. The Sea of Japan is an established and overall accepted name; challenging this point is futile and makes Koreans look petty and vindictive in terms of Japan.  -NE times
 2. The Tonkawa women were also strong physically and vindictive in disposition.   
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2013년 6월 1일 토요일


 호감을 주는, 상냥한, 친절한, 붙임성있는
1. having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: an amiable disposition.
2. friendly; sociable: an amiable greeting; an amiable gathering.
3. agreeable; willing to accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of another or others.
english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
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 1. General Thomas Gage, an amiable English gentleman with an American-born wife, commanded the garrison at Boston, where political activity had almost wholly replaced trade.
 2. The story concludes with the normally amiable postman deciding that he hates Christmas.                                                      
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 기분 좋은 태도, 편의시설, 쾌락함
noun, plural a·men·i·ties.
1. an agreeable way or manner; courtesy; civility: the graceful amenities of society. 
2.any feature that provides comfort, convenience, or pleasure: The house has a swimming pool, two fireplaces, and other amenities.
3. the quality of being pleasing or agreeable in situation, prospect, disposition, etc.; pleasantness: the amenity of the Caribbean climate. 
4. amenities, lavatory; bathroom: used as a euphemism.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
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 1. Do they have basic amenities?
 2. Amenities include a fire station, library, doctor's clinic and schools.
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 ambush(noun, verb)
 매복, 잠복(하여 공격하다)
noun Also, am·bush·ment.
1. an act or instance of lying concealed so as to attack by surprise: The highwaymen waited in ambush near the road. 
2. an act or instance of attacking unexpectedly from a concealed position.
3. the concealed position itself: They fired from ambush.
4. those who attack suddenly and unexpectedly from a concealed position.
verb (used with object)
5. to attack from ambush.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
soldiers lying in ambush
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 1. The "thugs" have since begun to ambush police and no longer refrain from shooting at officers, but the Sarkozy government had not clamped down on them.
 2. Haifa street is known locally as "death street", for the many ambushes that have taken place here.
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 aloof(adverb, adjective)
 ~에 떨어져서, 초연하게/ 쌀쌀한, 냉담한
1. at a distance, especially in feeling or interest; apart: They always stood aloof from their classmates. 

2. reserved or reticent; indifferent; disinterested: Because of his shyness, he had the reputation of being aloof.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
an aloof girl isn't concerend with anything around at all.
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 1. She always keeps aloof because she is very introverted. -nexus
 2. She wanted to be good-natured and sympathetic, but something about the man held her aloof. -nexus 
 3. Some might even say her style is aloof or evasive. -nexus
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 우화, 비유, 우의 소설
1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

2. a symbolical narrative: the allegory of  Piers Plowman.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com

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 1. Other allegories, like Hrafnkels saga, were more concerned with moral messages.
 2. Allegory has been a favourite form in the literature of nearly every nation.
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 동의할만한, 상냥한, 쾌적한
1. to one's liking; pleasing: agreeable manners; an agreeable sensation.

2. willing or ready to agree or consent: Are you agreeable to my plans for Saturday? 

3. suitable; conformable (usually followed by to  ): practice agreeable to theory.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com
agreeable ladies are talking each other
animals can be agreeable friends!
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 1. People who own sporting dogs, like cocker spaniels, are agreeable and honest; and owners of toy dogs, like Chihuahuas or Yorkshire terriers, were more agreeable, more sincere and more open to new experiences. -kidtimes
 2. And it is completely agreeable that the squad could not reach the World Cup if a change wasn't made. -teentimes
 3. The speaker with whom I competed was an agreeable fellow. -nexus
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