2013년 5월 31일 금요일


 피하다. 외면하다. 돌리다
1. to turn away or aside: to avert one's eyes.
2. to ward off; prevent:

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com

avert his eyes from the violent scene
turn his eyes away from the violent scene
look away from the violent scene
-the photos searched via google.com
-the photo's copyright is reverted to its own creator.
 1. it is also important to develop more refined diplomatic skills to avert any conflicts with its allies.
 2. Once a compromise is reached, Obama will surely emerge as a leader who has averted a financial crisis.
 3. The government, which has been averting the industries' demand in fear of an inevitable shortage in tax revenues, is reportedly willing to discuss the measures if strongly supported by parliament.
summarized by phoketwords.blogspot.com

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