2013년 5월 31일 금요일


 callous(adjective), callus(noun)
 피부가 굳은, 무감각한, 무정한, 냉담한
1. made hard; hardened.

2. insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others. 

3. having a callus; indurated, as parts of the skin exposed to friction.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com

-아이가 괴로워하는데, 고양이 특유의 냉담한 표정을 보여줌
-the photos searched via google.com
-the photo's copyright is reverted to its own creator.
 1. "Superstorm Sandy exposed the true nature of the people in its path, bringing out tales of hope and heroism -- as well as stories of callous cruelty," Fox News commented on Nov. 5.
 2. What made a concert violinist behave as a callous task master?
 3. We are disposed to be cruel and callous in many ways.
summarized by phoketwords.blogspot.com

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