2013년 5월 27일 월요일


 betroth (adjective)
 약혼하다, 약혼시키다
 1. to arrange for the marriage of; affiance (usually used in passive constructions): The couple was betrothed with the approval of both families.

 2. Archaic. to promise to marry.

english definition by http://www.dictionary.com

-the photos searched via google.com
-the photo's copyright is reverted to its own creator.
 1.In the ballet, the innocent country girl Giselle commits suicide after learning that her lover is a nobleman and betrothed to a princess.
 2.Betrothed against her will, Adeline had been resigned to a loveless marriage.
 3.At the conclusion of the myth, she is betrothed to the god Nindara.
summarized by phoketwords.blogspot.com

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